Premade DIY Pergola Plans, Now Rated for Florida Hurricanes!

Do you like one of our premade pergola plans but are afraid that they will not work for your Florida home? Never fear, we can modify and reinforce any of our plans to withstand hurricane wind loads. What’s more, we can provide a Professional Engineer seal on the drawings to satisfy your Florida permitting requirements!

Easy to follow and understand, our plans are perfect for DIYers of all skill levels. Save money by building your own pergola and enjoy the added value of your outdoor space. Our premade plans are designed to meet permit requirements, and we provide a Professional Engineer seal per State of Florida requirements, so you can rest easy knowing your project is up to code.

We have sized these premade pergola plans to cover typical patios, and we have many different styles to suit your particular taste. Keep scrolling to see what you can do with your outdoor space!

How It Works

Scroll down or click here to see the plan styles that you can purchase for your Florida project, and follow the directions on the order page. It’s really that simple!

Note that this service and pricing only applies to the premade plans we currently offer. Aside from making minor changes to the coverage dimensions, no other changes will be made. Designs that vary from the premade versions are handled differently due to their unique project requirements - please see our Custom Pergola Plans page for more information. If you have any questions regarding what to order or about the process, please let us know.

Get What You Want

All free-standing premade pergola plans include the following:

  • Lot layout plan view showing your pergola’s location in relation to your house. This is a requirement for your building permit so the city/county can check your lot line setbacks and buildable lot area coverage.

  • Post location diagram so you know exactly where to put the posts, meaning you don’t need to be a master carpenter to get things laid out.

  • Elevation views from different angles so you can see how the pergola will look from each side, which means you won’t be surprised after building it.

  • Lots of details for how everything connects together, meaning no guesswork when it comes to assembling everything.

  • A complete schedule of materials, itemized down to the last nail so that you don’t have to count quantities of items, which means you can easily order everything for your pergola and save extra trips to the home center.

  • State of Florida Professional Engineer stamp to meet permitting requirements.

How much do you think all this would cost you if you hired an engineer? $1,000? $1,500? Our plans are more affordable than you might think!